Ragene and Rick Pinson are the proud owners of Poseidon, a unique boating cat on the Great Lakes.
[GLB] How long has Poseidon the cat boated?
[R] Poseidon has been a boating cat since he came to live with us in April 2021—so nearly all of his life. He’s a Bengal cat and was born January 23, 2021. When he was 12-weeks-old, my husband and I flew to Austin, Texas to bring him back to Ohio to begin his new life.
[GLB] What Great Lakes have you and Poseidon boated on?
[R] We have only ventured to Lake Erie, mostly because that is where our home marina is and what time allows with our jobs. We would love to take time off of work and cruise up to Lake Huron and into the Georgian Bay.
[GLB] What kind of boat do you have?
[R] We have a Chris Craft 308 Express Cruiser that we absolutely love. This will be our fourth season with this boat. We are based out of East Harbor in the Harbor's Edge Marina. We love this location for the proximity to the islands and the shelter that East Harbor provides. We also have a Tracker Targa V18 which we use for perch and walleye fishing. Poseidon loves both boats.
[GLB] What does your average day look like on your boat.
[R] Our typical day usually begins with no plan. We have a full-time home on a farm south of Columbus and we have a lake home at Lakeside Marblehead. From April to October we spend every Thursday to Sunday at Lake Erie.
We typically spend the entire weekend on the boat. A usual day consists of boating to an island or a boater beach. We can usually be found at Middle Bass, South Bass or Kelleys Island. If we feel like swimming, we may boat up to Manila Bay at North Bass Island, or one of the many other nice bays around the islands and drop anchor.
Poseidon enjoys floating on the water mat and basking on the swim deck of the boat. We may then head over to West Bay at Kelleys Island or JF Walleyes on Middle Bass to grab a table on the lawn and have lunch. We try to find places that have patios that are pet friendly so that Poseidon can join us, and thankfully places on the islands have been very welcoming.
[GLB] What is one of your favorite boating memories with Poseidon?
[R] It’s not a particular memory, but it’s an occurrence every time we boat in and out of any channel. While boating at
an idle speed, Poseidon enjoys standing on the top of the boat, watching the other boaters. This is what he looks forward to the most. He stands tall and proud and takes it all in. He loves watching the seagulls and boaters. The reaction of other boaters is what we find entertaining and fun. We usually hear people say asking each other if they’re really seeing a cat. They say, “Oh my God, it’s a cat,” and “we need to bring our cat” and “oh, that’s so cool!”
Be sure to find Poseidon on Facebook at poseidonperrfectadventures and on Instagram at poseidon_perrfectadventures.